An Accessible Experience

The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences aims to provide a friendly, accessible and welcoming environment for all our visitors by providing the most access to our building, exhibitions, events and programs. The Access Guide provides a comprehensive list of available accommodations.

General Access Guide (PDF) Updated version


Guided Tactile Tours are available for free to small groups visiting the Museum. Registration for tours is required at least two weeks prior to desired date.

Beacons provide independent wayfinding of the Nature Research Center via the BlindSquare Event iOS App. You can download the app to your Apple device by visiting the BlindSquare App in the iTunes Store.

Sighted Guides are available; please make requests no less than a week in advance by emailing .


The Sensory Map identifies sensory-friendly spaces within the Museum.
Sensory Map (PDF)

Social Stories detail what to expect when visiting the Museum. They are available in both English and Spanish.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones are available to checkout for free at both Information Desks.

Quiet Space is located on the first floor of the Nature Exploration Center.

Sensory-Friendly Events are held periodically for visitors to enjoy the Museum in a calmer, quieter atmosphere.


Sign Language Interpretation for live presentations or programs is available upon request. Please make requests no less than a week in advance for virtual programs and no less than two weeks prior to in-person events by emailing .

Live captioning is available for all virtual programs, presentations, and classes upon request. Please email at least one week in advance with requests.

Assistive Listening Devices are available upon request for visitors attending live presentations or programs. Please email to reserve devices, and they will be placed at the Nature Exploration Center Information Desk for your use.

Movie Transcripts are available for showings in the WRAL 3D Theater for free from the Box Office.


Wheelchairs are available for free at both Information Desks. Please note that we only have manual transport wheelchairs available; we do not have electric or scooter options.

Automatic Doors are located at the entrances to the Nature Exploration Center and Nature Research Center. There are automatic doors on the second floor bridge that connects the two buildings. Visitors are cautioned there are currently no automatic doors on the third floor bridge that connects the two buildings.

Elevators operate between each level of the Nature Exploration Center and Nature Research Center.

Accessible Seating is available in the SECU Daily Planet Theater and WRAL 3D Theater for visitors using scooters or wheelchairs.

Accessible Restrooms are located in all public restrooms on every floor of the Nature Exploration Center and Nature Research Center.


Baby Changing Stations are located in all public and single-use restrooms in the Nature Exploration Center. In the Nature Research Center, they are located on the first, second, and third floor women’s public restrooms and first floor men’s public restroom.

Nursing Room is located on the first floor of the Nature Exploration Center, in the back of the Coastal Hall.


Single-Use Restrooms are located on the first floors of the Nature Exploration Center and Nature Research Center.

Adult Changing Table is located on the 1st floor of the Nature Exploration Center, in the back of the Coastal Hall.


The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences welcomes service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): a dog or miniature horse (or one in training) that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Due to the presence of the Museum's animals, areas such as the Living Conservatory and Windows on the World are considered sensitive, and require extra caution for service animals. Pets, emotional support animals, comfort animals, or species other than a dog or miniature horse are not considered service animals under the ADA and are not allowed in the Museum.


All facilities at Prairie Ridge are outdoors. With adequate notice (minimum two weeks in advance of visit), staff will make reasonable accommodations in all programs to enable participation by an individual with a disability.

With adequate prior notification, Prairie Ridge staff will make every reasonable effort to accommodate individuals with mobility impairments wishing to use the trails.

Any “other power-driven mobility device” that an individual wishes to use must not cause damage to the trail surface and must be able to be safely operated for the volume of visitation currently at Prairie Ridge. For more information please contact at 919.707.8888.
